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Now downloading free:IBM SB11-5351-0 ConversionAid System3toDOS VSE ProgramDescriptionAndOperationsManual 5785-KAD Jul79

IBM SB11-5351-0 ConversionAid System3toDOS VSE ProgramDescriptionAndOperationsManual 5785-KAD Jul79 free download

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File name:SB11-5351-0_ConversionAid_System3toDOS_VSE_ProgramDescriptionAndOperationsManual_5785-KAD_Jul79.pdf
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Original:SB11-5351-0 ConversionAid System3toDOS VSE ProgramDescriptionAndOperationsManual 5785-KAD Jul79 🔎
Descr: IBM system3 SB11-5351-0_ConversionAid_System3toDOS_VSE_ProgramDescriptionAndOperationsManual_5785-KAD_Jul79.pdf
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sB1 -5351-0 1 Conversion id System/3 A to DOS/VSE lnternational i e l d F P r o g r a mD e s c r i p t i o n Program and Operations anual M Program Number 5785-KAD PREFACE This publicationprovides the informationrequiredby a userwho want to migratefrom a System/3 iSV All listingsare in English,and a1lconstants in tablesor are to +:OO arraysat the end of eachprogram.This makesir easyto Processor under DOS/VSE. It containsthe information modify them or to tranlatethem into anotherlanguage. neededto convertprograms and files and to preparethe In order to use the System/3to DOS/VSEConversion corresponding control card.The assistanceconcernins file Aid program, the reader should be familiar with the distribution is more meaningfulwhen the user is fariiliar differences berweenSystem/3RpG and DOS/VS RpG. He with the physical location of these files. must alsobe familiarwith the JCL, sort specifications The publicationis divided into three main parts: and programs,and the charateristics the differenr access of "Understanding the program" containsa functional methods. description the programand presents of hardwareand Beforeusingthis International Field program, reader the software requirements. should be familiar with the contents of Systemf3 to "Installingthe Program,' describes components the the of DOSIVS ConversionGuitte, GC2O-1792andIntroduction program as distributed and how to install them. to DOSIVS,cC33-s370. "Rrinning the Program"containsthe steps performing _

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